The passage of water from one point to another through porous materials or small gaps is referred to as seepage. It’s a common problem in all structures, and it usually appears after big rains, pipe bursts, or prolonged exposure to pools of water. Water, if left unchecked or untreated, can represent a major threat to a building’s occupants.
Unfortunately, most property owners are unaware of the various sources of water seepage in their buildings and residences. We wrote this article to draw attention to the various contributing elements. It covers the most prevalent conditions that lead to water seepage.

Leakage from Pipes
Water seepage is frequently caused by faulty water pipes, drainage pipes, or sanitary fittings. Pipes develop flaws over time as their components corrode and age. Furthermore, the earth’s forces induce natural adjustments in the foundation of your building. As a result of this movement, the pipe’s joints weaken and separate over time. Users of the building exacerbate the problem by blocking the pipes. Pipes become clogged with foreign objects as a result of the disposal of solid household items. As a result, as water is evacuated, the pressure inside the pipe rises, producing wear and tear.
In circumstances where obvious pipe leaks are present, homeowners may attempt to repair them themselves. If a pipe leak is not immediately apparent, building owners should hire licensed water leakage professionals to track out the source of the leak and pinpoint the pipe issue.
Defective Pipes in Adjacent Apartments
The faulty pipe is frequently hidden behind artificial walls or even within the premises of a neighbouring flat. It’s also worth noting that the faulty pipes don’t have to be in the same region as the water leaks. Natural forces such as gravity and wind allow water to move large distances by following the path of least resistance. As a result, locating the broken pipe can be far more difficult than repairing it.
When leaking is discovered in an upper or adjacent flat, the problem becomes more complicated. Waterproofing contractors will need to confirm that water has not accumulated in other concealed areas in the building, in addition to obtaining the cooperation of the flat’s owner. As a result, an extensive and time-consuming procedure of checks is required.

Deteriorating Floor Slabs and Bathroom Seals
Given the quantity of pipes and water-based equipment found in bathrooms, they are a common cause of water seepage. Pipes, on the other hand, are not the only cause of water leaks. Instead, it’s possible that the tiled walls and floor are to blame. Because bathroom surfaces are in frequent contact with water, it should come as no surprise that they leak water over time.
Bathroom water seepage is most common near the bottoms of the walls, which are the most water-exposed areas. The longer a leak remains unnoticed, the more moisture seeps in, and water will flow further as previously stated. So, how can bathroom water seepage be avoided or slowed down?
Roof & Balcony Water Seepages
Roofs and balconies, in addition to bathrooms, are prone to water seepages due to their weather-facing surfaces. Throughout the year, they are particularly vulnerable to severe rain and wind, as well as the potential of stagnant water pools forming on them. Damage to their surfaces from dirt may result in the production of fissures that allow water to penetrate, similar to grout leaks in bathrooms.
Proper water drainage channels must be constructed to limit the rate of water leaks in roofs and balconies. This comprises specified drainage areas, strategic slants, and the avoidance of waterway obstruction. Water will go down the desired course and escape your property as quickly as feasible using these ways.
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Signs of Water Seepage
Unless there is a severe leak, water seepage symptoms will usually appear before any serious structural failures. Discoloration of walls, flaking paint, musty odours, evidence of mould or mildew, and water droplets penetrating through surfaces are some of the symptoms.
Alternatively, if you don’t notice any of these signs but can’t explain why your water utility costs keep rising, water leaks may still be a problem. Similar to sponges, thick drywalls are good at absorbing water. As a result, if your building has these walls, you may not notice any indicators of water leaking other than higher utility bills.
If you notice any of these warning signs, you should immediately contact a waterproofing expert.
Consequences of Water Leakage
If left unattended, water may be a damaging force within your structure. It has the ability to travel long distances from the source of entry to the place of collection, where aggregation results in a moist atmosphere. Mold development is predicted in such an environment, and it will degrade the building’s structural integrity over time. This puts the residents, users, and visitors of the area in peril, since the possibility of walls and ceilings collapsing becomes a genuine possibility.
Because of the dangers caused by water seepage, it is critical to contact experienced water leaking professionals as soon as possible.
Introducing Mother Build Care
Mother Build Care is a reputable waterproofing contractor in Chennai with over 20 years of waterproofing and decorative application experience. We have a team of skilled experts who pay special attention to the details of each project and provide the best solutions for our customers. Because of the dangers caused by water seepage, it is critical to hire experienced water leaking professionals as soon as possible.