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Waterproofing Solutions
All waterproofing and remedial damp treatment work are carried out by our own directly employed and supervised technicians who have been duly trained, are tone-motivated and committed to maintaining the high norms and quality work our guests anticipate from a waterproofing specialist company. We give meaningful guarantees and we’re suitable to offer the added benefit ( voluntary) of an independent insurance‘ Back up Guarantee’which is operated by Mother Build Care System for the work we carry out.
We believe that the way to promote our business waterproofing is through the development of a good working relationship with our client. To this end, we aim to give a high quality waterproofing of workmanship using people who watch and have pride in what they do, and to do this in an effective friendly manner, on time and to budget. We endeavour to earn the trust and confidence of those for whom we work. Our thing is to give a quality service with a good job done that enhances continuing waterproofing business through word of mouth.
Overview Services
Mother Build Care System is well experienced Waterproofing contractor from Chennai. We named as best and reliable waterproofing company in Chennai. Also Serving across South India – Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra, Telangana and Kerala.
Quality Materials
With our own team, we design supply and clean install waterproofing systems on time.
Guaranteed for 10 Years
Once we install our waterproofing system, we bet you that you wont see any leakages for minimum of 10 Years.
Right Technologies
Our surveyors will advise on the correct application of waterproofing materials for you.
Best Price in the Industry
According to standards of waterproofing, we use high quality materials that cost you less.
Best Waterproofing Contractors
Flooding in South India is becoming an very common issue for both existing and new properties every year. Groundwater level also is having a heavy impact on the city, with homes in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana being most affected. Heavy rainfall, rising groundwater levels and deep excavations for new developments have changed the course of water in the ground, causing many previously dry basements to flood unexpectedly. We strongly recommend to get right consultation waterproofing from right team. Contact us for free consultation.
Industrial Waterproofing
Our industrial waterproofing coats are expand and contract with the natural movement of the building, while fully maintaining the integrity of the waterproof coating.
Commercial Waterproofing
Wide range of commercial waterproofing methods depends on the type of requirements and based on materials may vary. Specifically safety standards must adhere.
Residential Waterproofing
We undertake all kind residential waterproofing service, such as terrace, bathroom, water tank, sumps, balcony, basement and crack waterproofing with high quality materials.